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What destroys my linen?

Objective of laundry Linen are destroyed mostly in the laundry, and less in usage.  Modern industrial laundry processes subject the linen to extreme physical and chemical conditions, reducing the life span of the linen. During washing linen is exposed to high temperature, high chemical concentration, and subjected to the mechanical action of the large wash […]

Can I use leftover soap for laundry washing?

NO! Several factors made body soap unsuitable for laundry use: Soap is made from natural oils such as animal fats or vegetable oils. Soap will react with all the hardness in the water first before it can react with soil in the linen.  Therefore, it is effective only for use with soft water i.e. hardness […]

Boilerman's Duties

Regulation requires steam boiler to be operated by certified boilerman.  However,  boilerman’s duties may not be properly understood. A boilerman certificate is much like a driving license.  A driver is not a qualified motor mechanic who can repair a vehicle.  Similarly, a boilerman operates a boiler.  He is not a repair or service technician for […]

Importance of Boiler Annual Overhaul

Regulation requires steam boiler to be overhauled once a year.  Many owners aim only to get pass the mandatory inspection with the minimum stoppage and at the lowest cost.  However, there are many benefits which may be overlooked on a rushed overhaul, and some pitfalls which may cause future harm.  This article examines what boiler […]

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